Art Dielhenn of Los Angeles Coaching Helps Shifts and Life Transitions Happen Smoothly


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Studio City, CA—You might think that after a highly successful 30 year run as a Director of numerous, popular television shows that this Southern California entrepreneur would be retired in a quiet place far away from Hollywood with his feet up.

The reality is that his cumulative experience directing dozens of hit shows uniquely prepared Art Dielhenn for his next career as a certified professional coach, which is truly his life’s work. While he appreciates his great run as a Director, the long hours, many stressors, freelance challenges and shifts in the industry ultimately propelled his transition to a new career drawing on all his natural gifts, talents and experience.

“At the height of my career as a TV Director, I had dozens of people with competing interests demanding my attention. It wasn’t always easy to see clearly, stay balanced or keep my center.’” says Dielhenn who founded Los Angeles Coaching in 2000. “I am now providing other professionals with the coaching support I wish I’d had during my hectic Hollywood career. There’s nothing like having an objective non-judgmental advocate, committed to your best interests, helping you clarify your path and sort through the many challenges inherent in a high pressure career.”

Dielhenn received his Professional Coaching Certification in October of 2000 from the highly respected Coaches Training Institute. Since then he has worked with hundreds of clients using the Co-Active Model that holds each client as naturally creative, resourceful and whole. It’s a process that calls on the client’s best creative thinking, inner drive and yearning for fulfilment providing new life freedoms of direction, action and achievement.

According to Dielhenn, “clients invest in coaching when they want to accomplish something important in their career, business or personal life. They are searching, at a crossroads, in transition, or stretching for the future. They want to get it right, see clearly, be systematic and stay motivated through completion.” Dielhenn coaches a wide range of professionals in: entertainment, media, the arts, medicine, law, sales, real estate, insurance, sports, business, corporations & others. In addition he is a West Coast Affiliate Coach with Partners in Human Resources International, a New York Based Corporate Coaching Company.

Dielhenn is available for one-on-one coaching, workshops and on-site training. Coaching sessions are conducted in person, by phone or Skype providing worldwide coaching access. All sessions are confidential. For more information about Art Dielhenn and Los Angeles Coaching, coaching services and related programs go to or call 818-285-8643.

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