
  • Career Focus

    Business Plan: Structure: If you can think like an artist but act like a business owner your chances for career stability, consistency and longevity increase markedly. Careers in entertainment, media, and the arts can be volatile with large swings of feast and famine. These days, professionals in...

  • The Value of Creativity

    Everything new starts with a creative idea!  Creativity is the inspiration and the seed of innovation. Creative folks like us are often thought of as “not business-like.” We are thought of as being different, flakey, out of the box, uncontrollable, and worst of all, dreamers.  “Well sir,...

  • Get Un-Stuck !

    As a coach, I help people achieve their personal and career goals. Often clients come to coaching because they are stuck. Obstacles, either internal or external, block their path. They want to get going again. My coaching toolbox includes tools for turning stuckosity into action.  When I get...

  • The Survivor’s Guide To Dry Spells

    The Out Of Work Vortex Hiatus ended months ago. You haven’t worked for a while.  You have had a number of interviews but still no job. The clock is ticking.  Open slots are few and far between. The season is booking up fast and you’re getting nervous. You’re internal psychological weather...

  • Act Now Procrastinate Later

    NO! I DON’T WANNA! Procrastination is the heartbeat of instability, creating chaos both internally and externally. It can be driven by the fear of doing, saying, or asking for what you need or want. Sometimes it’s the fear of failure. There is much unmanageability in procrastination. “The...

  • My Career Is Dead! Long Live My Career!

    How will you know when your career is dead? The truth is, you won’t, at least not all at once. Most likely it will take time; periods of employment punctuated by periods of unemployment. With each period of unemployment, you cycle through a series of emotional ups and downs in search of answers...

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